K. Lana introduced our Guest Speaker for today, 11 year old Mackenzie Carrigan-Andrews. MacKenzie was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes last year and along with her mom, Kiwanian Susan Carrigan they have been doing their part to tell others about the disease, the symptoms, and how to manage the disease in order in the hope that they might be of some help to others. Based on what we heard during the presentation, Mackenzie leads a very active life including playing many sports at the school and community levels.

The presentation included topics as to signs of diabetes such as dryness of the mouth, the need to drink lots of liquid, going to the bathroom and low energy levels. It was in the recognition of these problems that her parents, in partnership with the health system, were able to zero in on the problem and begin the very regimented process of managing the disease. She showed Kiwanians some of the tools she has to use in the management process and distributed some literature on the disease itself.

Kiwanians were very impressed with Mackenzie presentation, along with her mom’s help. PP Don thanked her and presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the Club.

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